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2024년 7월 1일

Philippines: Violent clashes between locals & armed men ensue as guards fenced off disputed lands

On 4, 17 and 20 April, violent clashes between locals and armed men allegedly ensued after guards fenced off lands, which are subject of ownership dispute. Especially on 20 April, it is alleged that “hired goons” burned the “protest camp set up by the Samahan ng Magsasaka at Mamamayan ng Tartaria” and “battered the children until five had to be escorted to the hospital, while the rest fled bruised”. Cited in the report is Ayala Land, Inc. that allegedly partnered with the Aguinaldo clan to convert the lands for commercial use.

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Ayala Land, Inc. to respond to the allegations in the report. The company did not respond.