Human rights must guide foreign investment - Three-year study finds foreign investment too often fails human rights in developing countries
이용 가능한 언어: English -
TVI Disappointed With Rights & Democracy Report
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Human Rights Impact Assessments for Foreign Investment Projects: Learning from Community Experiences in the Philippines, Tibet, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Argentina, and Peru
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Les investissements étrangers doivent prendre en compte les droits de la personne [Canada]
이용 가능한 언어: français -
Études d’impact des investissements étrangers sur les droits humains - Tirer les leçons de l’expérience des communautés aux Philippines, au Tibet, en République démocratique du Congo, en Argentine et au Pérou
이용 가능한 언어: français -
[DOC] Response to Blacksmith Institute’s Report
이용 가능한 언어: English