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2024년 7월 15일

Olivier Kaforo, Zoomeco (RDC)

DRC: More than 140 Chinese companies illegally exploit mines in South Kivu, according to provincial authorities

Unofficial translation by BHRRC

"DRC: More than 140 Chinese companies "illegally" exploit mines in South Kivu (Provincial Authority)", 9 July 2024

According to the Governor of South Kivu, most of the permits held by these Chinese had often been obtained in Kinshasa by dubious means, then by avoiding (circumventing) local regulations.

"We found that some of these companies have permits obtained in Kinshasa through sometimes illegally. But in reality, these permits have expired since 2013, 2014 and even 2016. ", said the Governor of South Kivu.

The study indicates that despite the expiry of their permits, these companies continue to operate illegally, exacerbating local concerns about unregulated mining and its environmental and social consequences.

The South Kivu authorities promise to take firm measures to remedy this critical situation. They call for coordinated action to enforce the law and protect the interests of local communities and the environment.