Re-routing the oil pipeline at Standing Rock is an absolute demand
...Selling the holdings in the three companies behind the Dakota Access Pipeline, i.e. Energy Transfer Partners, Sunoco Logistics Partners and Philips 66, would be needed:
- If the companies behind the Dakota Access Pipeline, in the next six-month period, make it clear that they will not respect the requirement to re-route the pipeline. In that case, Nordea’s Sustainable Finance team will recommend that our Responsible Investment Committee sells the holdings.
- If the companies in question are found guilty of breaching the rights of the indigenous people. In that case, Nordea’s Sustainable Finance team will recommend selling the holdings.
- If the companies win legal proceedings regarding the stretch of the oil pipeline concerned, or if an altered political situation results in the companies being granted access to lay the pipeline through the standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s land, Nordea’s Sustainable Finance team will recommend selling the holdings....