Report evaluating implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights by Norwegian-supported businesses in Tanzania & Mozambique
"UNGP, Human Rights and Norwegian Development Cooperation Involving Business"
...The purpose of the evaluation is to document to what degree UNGP is implemented in Norwegian development cooperation. Implementation of the UNGPs involves both process and outcomes, whether there are adequate processes in place at state agencies and business actors, as well as to what extent human rights are promoted, protected and respected on the ground. Another purpose is to produce and disseminate knowledge and recommendations on effective approaches to how Norwegian development aid involving business can promote, protect and respect human rights.
[The evaluation a]ssess[es]...the quality of [human rights due diligence] HRDD across development cooperation, both in the assessment of state agencies, and in the assessment of projects in case countries....[It also assesses] to what degree current policies, strategies, steering documents, and implementing procedures within identified state agencies contributes to protect, respect and remedy human rights. [Refers to Agrica-Kilombero Sugar Plantation, African Century Real Estate & Arise]