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기업 응답

2013년 8월 19일

Strategic Friends International (Uganda)

Response to Observer article of Wednesday August 14, 2013

...[O]ur firm does not compile compensations rates. Rates for crops and other semi-permanent structures are set by the District Land Boards in accordance with the relevant laws and are approved by the Chief Government Valuer...[We] did not contravene any laws by applying rates that were approved by the Chief Government Valuer...[We conducted the study] without using armed personnel which explains why there are no skirmishes in the area so far. We have done our work in peace relying on the community as the only form of security for our personnel in the field...We have a fully-fledged grievance handling mechanism which handles all grievances from affected persons...These people have never lodged any complains with us let alone engaging us constructively, they are instead hostile to our personnel.
