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인권옹호자에 대한 공격

2019년 2월 7일

Reynaldo Domínguez Comité Municipal de Defensa de los Bienes Comunes y Públicos del municipio de Tocoa

사건 날짜
2019년 2월 7일
날짜 정확도
모두 일치
Affected community's leader or member
위협 및 협박
목표: 개인
사건 위치: 온두라스
기타 행위자


On 7 February 2019, the "Comité Municipal de Defensa de los Bienes Comunes y Públicos of Tocoa" denounced that defenders, raising concerns about companies in the extractive sector, in particular the Empresa Minera Inversiones los Pinares, have been targeted through a smear and harassment campaign. Some of the committee's most visible members, Juan López, Juana Esquivel, Adilia Castro, Esly Banegas, Gregorio Vásquez; Leonel George, Reynaldo Domínguez and other leaders of Guapinol have been victims of harassment on social media, most prominently on the “El Tocoeño del Alma” Facebook page.