Saudi Arabia: Bangladeshi workers building Aramco stadium for FIFA World Cup experience severe labour rights violations; incl. cos comments
보고된 날짜: 2024년 11월 18일
위치: 사우디아라비아
기업 페이지
Saudi Aramco - Other Value Chain Entity , Besix - Other Value Chain Entity프로젝트
Aramco Stadium - Site영향받은
영향받은 사람의 수: 숫자를 알 수 없음
Migrant & immigrant workers: ( 숫자를 알 수 없음 - 방글라데시 , 시공 , Men , Unknown migration status )토픽들
강간과 성적 학대 , Heat exposure , 직업소개수수료 , 임금 착취 , 불안정한/불적합한 생활환경 , 빈곤 임금결과
응답 요청 여부: 예, Journalist에 의해 요청됨
응답을 볼 수 있는 외부 링크: (더 알아보기)
시행된 조치: BESIX said it has, 'made significant strides' in protecting workers' rights wherever it operates. Sub-contractors are required to comply with welfare standards that, 'encompass the full spectrum of workers' welfare, from safety and wages to living conditions.' It acknowledged that, 'some local contexts have proven challenging,' and as a result it has already taken additional steps to improve the implementation of these standards. 'Our priority is to ensure that all workers are treated with dignity and fairness,' it said. Aramco did not respond to the journalist's request for comment.
출처: News outlet
“Revealed: The real horrors facing Saudi's World Cup migrant workers - as labourers endure 10-hour shifts in 45 degree heat for less than £2 an hour”
When the world's top footballers line up for the World Cup in 2034, their outrageous skills will likely be on show at Aramco Stadium in Al Khobar, a city on the east coast of Saudi Arabia…
Day after day, the labourers toil through 10-hour shifts in the ferocious heat, heaving steel rods into place…
…FIFA is set to award the right to host the 2034 World Cup to Saudi Arabia…
Workers at the stadium are employed by a number of different companies and sub-contractors, and under various terms…
...FIFA was sent a detailed breakdown of the allegations... but it declined to comment...
The stadium in Al Khobar is being developed by Aramco…
…The Saudi arm of Clifford Chance…produced an 'independent assessment' of the human rights risks …
One of the main stadium contractors is Six Construct, the Gulf subsidiary of …BESIX…
In a statement, BESIX said it has, 'made significant strides' in protecting workers' rights wherever it operates....
Aramco and Clifford Chance did not respond to a request for comment…