Sixth session of the OEIGWG: instructions for registration & remote participation
The sixth session of the OEIGWG will take place from 26 to 30 October 2020, as originally planned. All participants (in-person and remote) are required to register at :
The session will take place in room XX, Palais des Nations (with room XVIII as overflow room). In-person participation is very much encouraged in light of the State-led direct substantive intergovernmental negotiations on the preparation of a third draft legally binding instrument during the working group’s sixth session.
Remote participation by the Webex platform: States, specialized agencies, intergovernmental organizations, national human rights institutions and non-governmental organizations (with Ecosoc status) who are unable to attend the meeting in person and who are inscribed on the list of speakers for each meeting (for example Monday am/Monday pm, etc.…) will receive an email from UNOG with a link and instruction on how to join the meeting (modalities for inscription in the list of speakers will be communicated at a later stage, once the draft Programme of work will have been made available). In case of technical problems, delegations are invited to contact the Secretariat at .
Remote participation by video message: Considering different time zones and the resulting incapacity to deliver oral statements through Webex, States, specialized agencies, intergovernmental organizations, national human rights institutions and non-governmental organizations (with Ecosoc status) have the possibility to deliver their statements by pre-recorded video-messages.
Accessiblity of the meeting through webcast and live audio: All participants will have access to the UN live webcast in all UN languages of the United Nations, and the possibility to listen to the meeting in all UN languages. The audio recording will be available on demand after the meeting.
For more details, please consult the technical note (regularly updated) and for any questions, please reach the OEIGWG Secretariat at