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2011년 8월 10일

Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria

SPDC welcomes UNEP report and responds to recommendations

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SPDC Managing Director Mutiu Sunmonu said: "This report makes a valuable contribution towards improving understanding of the issue of oil spills and the environment in Ogoniland and we pledge to work with the government, UNEP and others on the next steps. I agree completely with the UNEP report that we also need the authorities to take concerted action to curb the illegal activities, in particular oil theft and refining, that are exacerbating so many of the environmental and social issues. Unless these activities are brought to a halt, any action we take will be of limited impact.”...SPDC has not produced oil and gas in Ogoniland since 1993...Importantly, the report identifies eight emergency measures. SPDC will support the government, UNEP and others in implementing these measures as soon as possible. The report also makes three recommendations that relate specifically to SPDC. SPDC supports these recommendations.
