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기업 응답

2024년 8월 27일


Spinner response

1..) The accusations against Spinner in the above-mentioned reports are simply false and untruthful and we firmly reject them. Spinner was and is not involved in any illegal deliveries to Russia.

2..) Spinner has installed a highly efficient export control system as part of our ICP for decades. Due diligence checklists, KYC checks, sanction- and terrorist-list checks, querying EUC end-user declarations and EUP company profiles and much more are daily routine, guarantee compliance with all export control regulations and laws.

3..) We condemn Russia's brutal war of aggression against Ukraine and support international sanctions against Russia. After the start of the war, all deliveries and relationships with Russian customers and dealers were stopped. Since then we have not supplied any machines, spares or have carried out any commissioning, training or after sales service activities...

5..) Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to completely and comprehensively control the world market for used machines. When we become aware that a used Spinner CNC machine has been exported by a third party to Russia, then this machine will immediately be noted as “blocked” with its serial number and will be cut off from customer service, software updates, spare parts supply, etc. Beside this, Spinner as the manufacturer of the machines, can not be held responsible for their lifelong use by the respective owner or end-user...

다음 타임라인의 일부

러시아: 무기 생산에 필수적인 서양산 CNC 기계 수입 여전히 증가 중, 시민사회단체 보고서 결과; 기업 응답&미응답 포함

Ukraine: Govt. launches database of foreign equipment allegedly used by Russia in production of weapons incl. machine tools made by 140 companies