Sutharee Wannasiri
On October 26, 2018, Thammakaset filed a civil defamation suit against Sutharee Wannasiri, requesting 5,000,000 Thai Baht in compensation for damage to the company’s reputation. The complaint focused on comments Wannasiri posted on Twitter. Thammakaset had also filed separate criminal suits against Wannasiri and Nan Win for a short video; the Criminal Court found them not guilty. Thammakaset demands that Ms. Sutharee Wannasiri publish an apology in four local newspapers and on her Twitter account for a minimum of 30 days and covers all legal costs. The Civil Court held a preliminary hearing for this case in December 2018, set the witness hearings for August 2019, and the verdict for October 2019. During the witness hearing phase, the Civil Court sought to mediate between the two parties. On 28 August 2019, after more than half a day of mediation, Thammakset decided to drop the complaint.