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2019년 1월 1일

Ministry of Energy, Genefran and others lawsuit (re Rio Piatúa hydroelectric project, Ecuador)


소송을 제기한 날짜
2019년 1월 1일
날짜 정확도
연도 일치
적용 불가
Indigenous peoples, NGO, Human Rights Defender, Public entity
제소 위치: 에콰도르
사건 위치: 에콰도르
소송 유형: 국내

기업 페이지

Compania de Generacion Electrica San Francisco Genefran S.A. (GENEFRAN) 에콰도르 수력 및 댐 사업, 에너지

Against other:



Snapshot: In 2019, a protection action was filed in Ecuador against several Ecuadorian public entities and the energy company Genefran against the hydroelectric project in the Piatúa River operated by Genefran for the violation of the collective rights of the Kichwa People of Santa Clara and the rights of nature of the Piatúa River. This action was presented jointly by the Indigenous Kichwa communities of Santa Clara, the Pachamama Foundation, the Pastaza Ombudsman's Office, the PUCE Human Rights Center, the Río Napo Foundation, and CONFENIAE. The Provincial Court of Pastaza accepted the action and agreed with the violation of the rights of the communities and the river. As a comprehensive reparation measure, the court suspended the hydroelectric project and withdrew the authorisation to use and benefit the river flow. Additionally, it revoked the environmental licence authorised by the Ministry of the Environment. In 2020, the Constitutional Court of Ecuador selected the case to generate binding jurisprudence on the rights of nature and collective rights. The case is closed.