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2018년 8월 16일

Salam Al Amir, The National

UAE: Two workers burned to death after falling into aluminium furnace, company launches investigation

모든 태그 보기 혐의

"Workers burn to death after falling into aluminium furnace in Dubai", 14 August 2018

Emirates Global Aluminium has launched an investigation after two workers burned to death at its aluminium factory site in Jebel Ali. The men, whose nationalities and ages have not been disclosed, were standing in front of a furnace when bricks collapsed on top of them, pushing them inside the smelter and trapping them. EGA... said emergency procedures were immediately triggered by the incident... The company... said the men were working in an industrial furnace which was not operational at the time of the incident. The company said it was carrying out an investigation to "understand" the factors involved in the deaths. The EGA statement said: "Emirates Global Aluminium deeply regrets to confirm that an incident took place at its Jebel Ali site ... during a routine maintenance operation in which two men tragically lost their lives"...