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2019년 7월 15일

GMB Union

UK: Amazon warehouse workers stage Prime Day protests in response to dangerous working conditions

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"UK-wide Amazon Prime Day protests", 15 July 2019

...GMB, the union for Amazon workers, is staging Prime Day protests across the UK in anger at the appalling working conditions in the retail giant’s warehouses.

From today, the union will hold demonstrations outside Amazon fulfilment centres, including Rugeley, Swansea, Peterborough, Warrington, Coventry, Doncaster and Milton Keynes.

GMB research has revealed the dangerous conditions Amazon workers struggle under. Since 2015/16, more than 600 reports have been made from Amazon warehouses to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

GMB members report targets being so horrific they have to use plastic bottles to urinate in instead of going to the toilet, and pregnant women have been forced to stand for hours on end, and some pregnant women have been targeted for dismissal...

...Mick Rix, GMB National Officer...“Amazon workers want Jeff Bezos to know they are people – not robots. It's  time for him to show empathy with the very people that have helped to contribute to his vast and increasing personal fortune..."
