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2024년 1월 22일

The Guardian

UK: Grenfell survivors to meet executives of firms allegedly linked to disaster

"Grenfell survivors to confront executives of firms blamed for disaster", 22 January 2024

Grenfell Tower survivors will this week confront executives from companies blamed for the disaster, after they said that in the wake of the Post Office scandal it was increasingly clear that “those in power have lost their moral compass”.

Over four days in central London, dozens of the bereaved and survivors of the 2017 fire will tell leaders from the construction industry and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea of the “horror” of the fire and its “devastating personal impact”.

It is an attempt to deliver “restorative justice” after the blaze that killed 72 people and comes amid public concern over issues ranging from the wrongful convictions of post office operators to the infected blood scandal.

The Grenfell community remains angry that there have still been no criminal prosecutions and the public inquiry is yet to report in full, but the testimonial week was arranged as part of a £150m high court compensation settlement arbitrated by the former president of the supreme court, Lord Neuberger...
