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2019년 7월 22일

Elias Jahshan, Retail Gazette

UK: Pressure mounts on Boohoo as it continues to refuse trade union Usdaw recognition

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"Boohoo under growing pressure from MPs to recognise union", 22 July 2019

Boohoo is facing heat from parliament after a group of MPs wrote a letter demanding answers as to why it has not yet recognised a trade union.

The news comes after Usdaw held a protest at Boohoo’s Burnley warehouse during the online retailer’s AGM last month.

Usdaw said Boohoo refused to recognise them, and accused the retailer of instructing staff not to speak to union representatives. The union organisation said it wanted to meet with Boohoo to ensure staff at its warehouse were being “treated with dignity and respect”.

... Boohoo said in a letter dated July 4: “We would recognise a union if our workers would like us to recognise a union. “Our position is unchanged. Engagement to date has not indicated that our employees want us to recognise a trade union.”

The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC), a select committee of MPs in parliament, has now written to Boohoo to demand answers on why the union has not been recognised and to outline the steps the retailer has taken to engage with Usdaw...

The EAC’s letter comes after Burnley councillors backed a motion earlier this month that urged the fashion group to engage with the union...
