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2021년 10월 8일


UK: Stagecoach bus staff across South Wales, Yorkshire & East Midlands to strike over pay dispute

"Stagecoach staff in the South West to strike over pay later this month", 8 October 2021

...The Rail, Maritime and Transport Union said members working for Stagecoach in the South West will strike on October 18, alongside staff in Yorkshire and the East Midlands.

The union says the action comes after ballots showed support for industrial action...

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said: "...It's well established now that we are facing a national shortage of bus drivers as staff leave over poor pay and conditions. It is ridiculous that Stagecoach have chosen this moment to hammer their staff over pay. The consequences for local services will be horrific."

A Stagecoach spokesperson said: "...We are committed to offering good packages for our people and, as well as protecting jobs during the pandemic, we have reached agreement on pay increases for many employees at a number of depots around the country.

"We very much remain open to continuing discussions with the union and would urge them to return to talks."
