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2018년 3월 16일

United2026 Bidding Nations Canada | Mexico | United States

Unity. Canada, Mexico, and the United States United Bid to Host the 2026 FIFA World CupTM

모든 태그 보기

23 Human Rights and Labour Standards

The United Bid fully commits to respecting human rights in all aspects of our work before, during, and after the staging of the 2026 FIFA World CupTM, in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business and Human Rights... Where we identify potentially adverse impacts on the human rights of people belonging to specific groups or populations, or in specific circumstances, we have considered other international standards and principles that elaborate on the rights of such individuals...

Our goal is to create, with FIFA, mechanisms for all of those who have been negatively impacted by activities related to the staging of the 2026 FIFA World CupTM to both know about their potential routes for complaint and grievance and have trust in their use. We will work with FIFA to develop a framework to ensure existing mechanisms are aligned with any public or state-based judicial and non-judicial mechanisms, fortified (as needed), and gaps filled...
