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2018년 2월 27일

Chris Baynes & Mythili Sampathkumar, The Independent (UK)

USA: FedEx rejects calls to stop offering discounts to NRA members

"FedEx claim ending NRA member discounts would be 'discrimination'", 27 February 2018

FedEx has rejected calls to stop offering discounts to National Rifle Association (NRA) members, suggesting doing so would “discriminate” against the US gun lobby group. The courier company stressed it did not agree with the NRA’s stance on assault rifles and firearms safety, but said it “has never set or changed rates” based on customers’ “politics, beliefs or positions on issues”...Several major companies, including Delta Airlines, United Airlines, Symantec, and Hertz, have cut ties with the NRA amid growing demands for tighter gun controls since the massacre at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School earlier this month...The NRA has rejected calls to restrict sales of semi-automatic weapons, which have been used in several mass shootings in the US...“The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that school’s security preparedness, the failure of America’s mental health system...or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement,” the firearms lobby group said...“The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms..."
