Vedanta won't give fight over Orissa hill tribe's sacred mountain
[The] mining giant Vedanta is challenging a ban on mining the sacred mountain of India’s Dongria Kondh tribe. The Orissa High Court will hear the case on February 2. The Dongria Kondh…won a historic victory against Vedanta last year. India's Environment Ministry blocked Vedanta's multimillion-dollar bid to create an open-pit bauxite mine on the Dongria's sacred mountain, stating that Vedanta had shown 'blatant disregard for the rights of the tribal groups.' Since the victory, both Vedanta Aluminium (a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources) and the Orissa Mining Corporation have filed petitions in Orissa challenging the decision, as well as an associated decision to restrict the growth of an alumina refinery also operated by Vedanta…Two independent investigations commissioned by the Indian Environment Ministry each concluded that Vedanta's plans were likely to 'destroy' the Dongria Kondh