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기업 응답

2024년 4월 12일

Voith's response to ETI Sweden report on human rights risks linked to tram production

Voith respects human rights worldwide. As a company with a global reach, Voith works with employees and business partners of many different nationalities, cultures and customs. For us, respectful and polite dealings with all of our employees and business partners at all times is a matter of course. We reject any form of forced or child labor.

Our stance on forced labor is outlined in our “Code of Conduct (Chapter 4)”, our “Management Board Declaration on human trafficking, forced labor and child labor” and our “Policy statement of the Corporate Board of Management on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)”, available on our website.

Link: Compliance / Whistleblowing Scheme | Voith

이는 다음에 대한 응답입니다

ETI Sweden report finds high risk of forced labour in the production of trains and trams in China

이야기 2024년 5월 13일

