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기업 응답

2018년 10월 8일

Volvo's response

Thank you for providing Volvo Group with the opportunity to respond to a report by Swedwatch related to the use of Volvo machinery in Myanmar’s jade mines.

As acknowledged in the report, Volvo Construction Equipment (“Volvo CE”) engaged constructively with Swedwatch during the preparation of this report. It is important for us to clarify that Volvo CE does not have any own operations or employees in Myanmar...Volvo CE requires its private dealer in Myanmar to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and sanctions. The private dealer also has its own Code of Conduct, including a statement on respect for human rights.

...Volvo CE is currently considering Swedwatch’s findings and recommendations in the report within its Responsible Sales process.


이는 다음에 대한 응답입니다

Myanmar: Swedwatch raises concerns that machinery companies may be aggravating abuses in jade mines

이야기 2018년 10월 7일
