기업 응답
Walmart 다음에 대해 응답하지 않음
미국: 월마트, 크로거, 샘스클럽, 슈넉스에 공급하는 수박 농장에서 LVH와 계약된 멕시코 노동자들의 강제 노동 실태
CIW rejoinder to Kroger, Walmart, Sam's Club & Schnucks re Fair Food Program & forced labour in watermelon supply chains
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Kroger did not respond to allegations of forced labour in its watermelon supply chain
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Schnucks did not respond to allegations of forced labour in its watermelon supply chain
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Walmart did not respond to allegations of forced labour in its watermelon supply chain
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Sam's Club did not respond to allegations of forced labour in its watermelon supply chain
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Call it ‘slavery.’ Call it ‘forced labor.’ A Florida man did it to people who pick melons
Court sentences Florida labor contractor to nearly 10 years in prison in case involving forced labor, part of US Department of Labor investigation
이용 가능한 언어: English
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