World Cup workers face deportation from Qatar
보고된 날짜: 2023년 1월 24일
위치: 카타르
기업 페이지
Festival Global Management - Other Value Chain Entity , Stark Security - Employer , FIFA - Client프로젝트
Qatar World Cup 2022 Unspecified Projects - Client기타
Government ( 공공 기관 ) - Government영향받은
영향받은 사람의 수: 1000
Migrant & immigrant workers: ( 숫자를 알 수 없음 - 중동 및 북아프리카 , 보안 회사 , Gender not reported ) , Migrant & immigrant workers: ( 숫자를 알 수 없음 - 동남아 , 보안 회사 , Men , Unknown migration status ) , Migrant & immigrant workers: ( 숫자를 알 수 없음 - 아프리카 , 보안 회사 , Gender not reported )토픽들
위협 , 표현의 자유 , 불안정한/불적합한 생활환경 , 해고 , 임금 착취 , 파업 및 기타 작업 중단 , 집회의 자유 , 비사법적 구제절차에 대한 접근성 , 법적 보호망과 정의에 대한 접근성 , 인터넷 접근성 , 이동 제한결과
응답 요청 여부: 예, Journalist & BHRRC에 의해 요청됨
응답을 포함하는 스토리: (더 알아보기)
시행된 조치: Stark Security, Festival Global and World Cup organisers the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy did not respond to request for comment. Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited FIFA to respond to the allegations; their response can be read in full. In May 2023, the Telegraph reported that three workers remained in detention following their arrest for participating in the protests.
출처: News outlet
Hundreds of migrant workers in Qatar employed as security guards during the World Cup at Fifa’s main media centre and other key sites face deportation after launching an unprecedented street protest in Doha on Sunday against mass sackings that followed the tournament.
The protest was the culmination of a long-running labour dispute involving workers sacked before the end of their six-month contracts to work at the World Cup. They were left without salary, bonuses and a place to live – forcing them to occupy their company accommodation.
Telegraph Sport has been told that around 400 workers formerly employed by Stark Security Services and Festival Global Management, which are based in Doha, hired buses to take them to protest at the offices of the latter in the West Bay area of the capital city. Police were summoned and arrests were made. Eye-witnesses have reported the workers being escorted to their accommodation to collect their belongings ahead of the deportation process.
The men from south-east Asia, Africa and the Middle East were recruited to work for Stark Security, chiefly guarding the Qatar National Convention Centre which housed Fifa’s media hub…
Stark Security were contacted on more than one occasion to comment but did not respond. The Supreme Organising Committee for the 2022 World Cup did not respond to requests to comment. A senior executive at Festival Global did not respond to messages.
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