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2020년 6월 24일

Zimbabwe: Shooting incident at Chinese mining firm sparks outrage across the country

A shooting incident at a gold minefield in Gweru has sparked outrage in Zimbabwe. Video, audio and picture images of the shooting incident were widely circulated on social media. A dispute allegedly occurred over outstanding wages and working conditions at Reden Mine. The Chinese manager of a gold mine allegedly shot and injured two black ex-employees after a wage dispute escalated into a brawl on Sunday afternoon. Mining unions have urged the government to take decisive action whilst civil society groups have condemned the shooting incident, alleging that Chinese mining investors in many parts of Africa, including Zimbabwe, have exhibited a history of bad safety, health, environmental, labour and human rights standards. Poor working conditions at Chinese companies are an old problem that is increasing. Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Minerals Workers Union (ZDAMWU) has challenged the Government to come out clean on how Chinese are taking advantage of their political corrections to abuse local workers.
