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31 Jul 2018

Crude Accountability

Children of Berezovka are diagnosed with toxic encephalopathy

In March 2018, Albina Iskakova and Alina Kusmangaliyeva of Berezovka, Kazakhstan were examined at the Semashko Children’s Center for Diagnosis and Treatment...in Moscow, Russia. The girls underwent comprehensive medical consultations and diagnostic procedures in an effort to understand the cause of medical symptoms they have experienced since they became ill on November 28, 2014 following a release of toxic fumes from the Karachaganak Oil and Gas Condensate Field, located five kilometers from their home village. Both girls were diagnosed with toxic encephalopathy, a brain disease caused by chemical poisoning...The doctor who saw them indicated that the disease was likely caused by exposure to hydrocarbons and their fumes...The doctors..prescribed a five-year treatment plan that includes courses of expensive drugs and ongoing monitoring by specialists. Without proper treatment, toxic encephalopathy can lead to serious neurological disorders and partial or total disability. The doctors’ diagnosis provides documented evidence that the Berezovka children suffer from toxic poisoning by hydrocarbons, the source of which, likely, is the Karachaganak Oil and Gas Condensate Field, operated by the Karachaganak Petroleum Operating BV (KPO) consortium, which includes the world’s largest oil companies: US Chevron, Dutch Shell, Italian ENI, Russian Lukoil, and Kazakhstan’s KazMunayGaz.
