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22 Dec 2022

Mindy Shi Minglei, change.org petition

Petition calls on Milwaukee Tool to stop using Chinese prisoners of conscience as slave labour

My name is Mindy, Shi Minglei. I'm the wife of a famous Chinese human rights activist Cheng Yuan, and mother of a 6-year-old. I haven't seen my husband for 1200 days. He was arbitrarily detained, tortured and secretly sentenced to prison for his human rights work and is currently in Chishan prison... Due to a recent whistleblower, Lee Mingche’s report, I have discovered that my husband, and other prisoners at Chishan, is being exploited as a slave laborer to produce Milwuakee Tool gloves.

... My husband Cheng Yuan is the founder of the NGO Changsha Funeng, and a dedicated Chinese human rights advocate.  In the past decade, he has fought for Chinese people’s basic human rights... Though I received terrifying threats, I chose to stand up for my husband and risk the possibility of forcible disappearance and prison.

... Prisoners in Hunan Chishan prison produced 4800~14,400 units of Milwaukee gloves daily. These gloves are sold throughout the US at major marketplace such as Home Depot. Prisoners are subject to the following cruel and inhumane working conditions... 13-15 hours of work per day; only 4 days off per year... Monthly pay: $13.8 (100RMB). This pay is 2% of a Chinese worker’s in a factory, and 0.2% of a worker in the United States. The Quality Control manager, who’s surname is Liu, frequently instructs prison guards to beat prisoners when they do not meet their quota, or when there are quality issues. No protective measures, such as protective masks, are provided. Hazardous materials and harmful air conditions lead to lifelong health issues for the prisoners. 

... I am calling on Milwaukee Tools and their CEO Steven Richman to immediately cease production at Chishan prison and recall all products produced there. I am calling on Home Depot and other retailers that sell Milwaukee Tools’ products to immediately cease sales...
