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10 Mar 2021


Russia: 206 industrial safety violations found at Zapolyarny mine owned by Medvezhiy Ruchey company

See all tags Allegations

[Summary translation prepared by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]

Rostechnadzor found more than two hundred violations at a mine of Nornickel's subsidiary, 10 March 2021

Rostechnadzor found 206 industrial safety violations at the facilities of the Zapolyarny mine of Medvezhiy Ruchey LLC (a subsidiary of MMC Norilsk Nickel), the agency's press service reports.

The operation of 64 technical devices and four buildings of the mine was suspended. This decision was made following the results of an on-site inspection....

In particular, it is noted that the company did not fulfil the requirements to control compliance with industrial, fire and electrical safety requirements, as well as the procedure for storing explosive materials and conducting blasting operations. In addition, Medvezhiy Ruchey allowed deviations from the technical solutions established by the design documentation and violated the requirements for the operation of technical devices with expired normative service life.

It is also noted that the company is unprepared for actions to localise and eliminate the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities.

"Materials on bringing to administrative responsibility of the legal entity and officials of Medvezhiy Ruchey LLC have been sent to court. 16 responsible employees will be brought to administrative responsibility. The total amount of fines under the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation may amount to 2.5 million rubles," the department said.