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13 Mar 2018

Oil Workers’ Rights Protection Organization (OWRPO)

2017 Oil Workers’ Rights Protection Organization Annual Report

...The report reflects the problems in the implementation of legislation in country's oil sector, proposals and recommendations are given for the solution of these problems...During the reporting period the following articles of LCAR [Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan] were violated by the employers: Article 45.4 (When the nature of the work or services are a priori specified as permanent according to the job description, an employment contract must be concluded without specified term). Observed: SOCAR, its enterprises and departments, Azfen JV, Nobel Oil, Karasu OC, “Schlumberger Overseas SA”, “Schlumberger logelco İnc, Salyan Oil, SOCAR ADC. This law violation allows the dismissal of an undesirable employee. This process which is the biggest law violation in Azerbaijan oil industry (1, 2, and 3, 6 months and up to 1 year period of term labor contract with employees) still continues and causes a large number of people to lose their jobs...Article 16 (discrimination) one of the main reasons for discrimination is nepotism...Observed: SOCAR enterprises and institutions. Articles 68, 69, 70, 71, 77, 78, 79, 80 (Illegal termination of labor contracts, compulsory written applications, violations of law requirements during reduction, Employees and circumstances forbidding the termination of labor contract and etc.) Observed: SOCAR's Complex Drilling Trust, Oil and gas construction Trust, BP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited Liability Company, Karasu Operting Company...In 2017 42 people were injured in...accident[s[, 7 of which resulted in death, 5 of them were employees of SOCAR...[N]on-payment of wages for overtime work, night time, sea and thirst ratio) Observed: “Schlumberger Overseas SA”, “Schlumberger logelco İnc”, Azerbaijan branch of VEUS Holding LLC, SOCAR Caspian Oil Department...
