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Company Response

11 Jan 2021

Ansell's response re. Brightway

Following recent media articles on Brightway Holdings, we restate that Ansell does not tolerate any breaches of our Labour Standards Policy, Human Rights Statement or Supplier Code of Conduct...

On 10 May 2019, a third party audit ordered by Ansell was conducted at Brightway Holdings’ LaGlove facility following SMETA... standards. This audit did not reveal these unacceptable living conditions. We are investigating why. Our next third party audit of Brightway Holdings was scheduled for March-April 2021.

In line with the advice of human rights and labour experts, Ansell’s preferred practice is to work with suppliers to achieve meaningful improvement, thereby ensuring secure employment and improved conditions for workers, rather than reactively cancelling supplier contracts in response to specific events or allegations... However, if a supplier fails to undertake corrective actions and is not seeking to achieve improved outcomes in good faith, we will terminate the relationship.

[The full response is attached]
