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11 Mar 2019

Nassim Khadem, ABC

Australia: Glove firm Ansell announces global supply chain review after Malaysian supplier linked to labour abuses

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"Update: Ansell announces global review", 11 March 2019

On February 28, Ansell said in a statement that it may need to strengthen labour standards across its supply chains following the worker exploitation allegations.

"As labour standards are fundamental to the health and safety of our employees, we have begun a comprehensive global review of our supply chain, covering both third-party supplier and Ansell's own facilities," the company said.

"The review will assess whether implementation of our standards has been fully effective and appropriate and whether our standards need to be updated or strengthened further to ensure an even safer working environment."

"We will also assess the effectiveness of mechanisms we have in place to provide independent verification of our compliance with these standards."

The review would also ensure that companies in its supply chains including Top Glove, meet its standards and have independent audits ensure they are compliant, Ansell said.

It would assess International Labour Organisation guidelines to determine "what additional standards are legal and appropriate in the countries in which Ansell operates".

The outcome of Ansell's supply chain review would be unveiled at the company's annual general meeting later in the year.
