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Company Response

18 Sep 2017


BP response

BP’s position on climate change is long-standing and well-known: we believe that meeting the climate challenge will require efforts by all – governments, companies and consumers. BP is playing its part. We are calling for a price on carbon, increasing gas in our upstream portfolio, investing in renewables and low carbon innovation, and pursuing energy efficiency.

We are also collaborating with others to help address this global challenge. As one example, we participate in the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative - currently chaired by our group chief executive Bob Dudley – which brings together 10 oil and gas companies. The initiative’s current focus areas are minimizing methane emissions and accelerating the deployment of carbon capture, use and storage. More detail on our position and how we are playing our part in addressing the global challenge of climate change, can be found in our most recent Sustainability Report.  The Report is available on bp.com.
