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6 Jul 2015

Réseau des Organisations pour la Transparence et l'Analyse Budgétaire (ROTAB) Niger; unofficial translation of excerpts by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Business and Human Rights: The case of extractive industries in Niger

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[original report was dated Dec 2014]

The rights implicated [in the report] include the rights to health, to education, to a healthy environment, to information, to work, to enjoy fair working conditions, to equal pay for work of equal value, to health and safety at work, to an adequate standard of living, to housing, the rights of children and adolescents to be protected from economic exploitation...

Concerns regarding SOMINA [joint venture CNNC International, Sopamin (owned by Niger Govt.), ZXJoy Invest (Zhongxing Joy Investment), Korea Resources Corp.] in NigerImpacts on environment, human health, livestock & livelihoods...poor or substandard housing for workers

Concerns regarding CNPCN and SORAZ (affiliates of CNPC) in Niger: Impacts on environment, human health, livestock & livelihoods... Expropriation of land... Violations of the right to information and lack of consultation of local populations...

[also refers to SOMAIR, COMINAK (both joint ventures of Areva & Niger Govt.), Société des mines du Liptako (SML) (now owned by Sopamin)]

Part of the following timelines

Niger: NGO report details harms to health, livelihoods & other human rights of mining, oil & gas operations

尼日尔: 报告介绍采矿、石油和天然气项目在当地对健康及生计等的危害

尼日爾: 報告介紹採礦、石油和天然氣項目在當地對健康及生計等的危害