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Company Response

9 Sep 2015


CEMEX response (unofficial translation by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre)

CEMEX and, specifically, CEMEX Israel, does not supply building materials to the illegal settlements in the West Bank. Illegal settlements are settlements not approved by the Israeli government. CEMEX operates under a strict policy of compliance with local and international laws, including those related to human rights, and all the rules, standards and legislation of each country where the company operates. In this context, and as a member of the Global Compact of the United Nations, the company supports and follows its 10 principles and values.  As a result, in 2014, CEMEX, in collaboration with Shift (an independent nonprofit centre specialized in business and human rights), issued its corporate policy on Human Rights which in turn led to changes in the Ethic Code and an improvement in the respect of Human Rights...Under this framework of CEMEX policies –including compliance with laws and regulations- CEMEX Israel is committed to not supplying construction materials to the illegal settlements and fulfills this commitment. The concrete plants are located in legal settlements approved by the Israeli government and validated by the Supreme Tribunal of Justice of Israel. Those areas were delimitated in the agreement between Israel, the Palestinian Authority signed in Oslo, in 1993, as areas under the control and the responsibility of Israel until both parts reached a permanent agreement. Regarding the quarry “Yatir”, as part of the general strategy of Cemex that includes the sale of assets, CEMEX is no longer associated to the third party that manages and exploits the quarry. In any case, during the last decade CEMEX was not involved in the management of that particular quarry. The production, operation, logistics, sales, etc. were managed and operated exclusively by a local partner.

 This is an unofficial translation by the Business & Human Resource Centre. Please see the original response in Spanish here

Part of the following timelines

Norwegian pension fund divests from Cemex & HeidelbergCement over concerns about their operations in the occupied West Bank

Israel/Besetzte Gebiete Palästinas: Vorwürfe der Verletzung grundlegender ethischer Normen/internationalem Recht; inkl. Stellungnahmen von HeidelbergCement & CEMEX