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30 Aug 2022

Ayat S Karokaro [Medan], Mongabay Indonesia

Dairi community and CSOs submit letter to Chinese Embassy in Jarkarta to voice concerns over China-backed lead and zinc mine

Original title: Suara dari Sumut dan Jakarta: Cabut Izin Perusahaan Tambang di Dairi

[Excerpt English translation provided by BHRRC ]

On 24 August, the people of Dairi... took action in Dairi, Medan, and Jakarta…

In Medan, they visited the Chinese Consulate General and the Dairi Regent’s Office. In Jakarta, residents together with civil society organisations also visited the Chinese Embassy and the Ministry of Environment. In these places, the community demanded that the government revoke [PT Dairi Prima Mineral] license so that the zinc mining company would not operate in their area…

Juniaty Aritonang, Study and Advocacy Coordinator of Bakumsu, who accompanied the Dairi residents, said that if the mine with Chinese investors operates, the threat of destruction of the agricultural and plantation sectors is imminent…

At the Chinese Embassy in Jakarta, they submitted a letter containing information on the threat of disaster if the company operates in their villages…

…In 2019, representatives from Pandiangan, Bongkaras, and Sumbari villages filed a complaint with the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO). This is an independent compliance body that oversees the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and MIGA, the World Bank's funding arm. Dairi Prima is funded by the IFC…

The results of the complaint reinforced the concerns of Dairi residents. The CAO report states that the Dairi Prima Mineral mine has a combination of high risks due to several factors.

First, the construction of the company’s proposed waste dam does not meet international standards…

Second, Dairi Prima Mineral’s data is incomplete, especially data on waste management and storage.

The World Bank’s internal supervisory investigation warned that the Dairi Prima Mineral mine, which is supported by the China Nonferrous mining group, threatens local communities and the environment…

The majority owner of Dairi Prima Mineral, a Chinese state company - Foreign Engineering and Construction (NFC) - is deeply involved in the management of the mining company. It is also the mine's engineering, procurement, and construction contractor. In its report, the CAO concluded that NFC has active control over Dairi Prima Mineral and is responsible for the mine’s development…
