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Company Response

22 Apr 2014

Glencore Xstrata

Glencore Xstrata response to Global Witness’ report “Deadly Environment”

Glencore Xstrata is deeply committed to upholding human rights and engaging with our communities, including indigenous groups, in a respectful, transparent and constructive manner...The Tampakan Project is operated by the Philippine-based affiliate Sagittarius Mines...SMI is responsibly developing the Tampakan Project in partnership with its stakeholders, and in line with international standards...Internally, SMI has a policy of no transfer of equipment to outside parties for any security linked purpose. All employees and security contractors are required to undergo annual training on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights. SMI also has an established grievance resolution mechanism that captures and addresses formal grievances, as well as general community complaints, concerns, and inquiries...The activities at the Tampakan project have been reduced to focus on strengthening government and community relations. Depending on the results of these efforts, SMI may consider forming an external stakeholder advisory panel to help monitor security and human rights issues.
