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Company Response

11 Jan 2021

Kimberly-Clark's response re. Brightway

We take these allegations very seriously and we have connected with Brightway’s leadership to express our concerns. While Kimberly-Clark Professional does not source any products from Brightway’s LaGlove facility mentioned in news reports, we are committed to ensuring that all employees within our supply chain are treated with respect and in accordance with our workplace and human rights standards.

Kimberly-Clark has outlined these expectations in our Supplier Social Compliance Standards and our Code of Conduct, and require suppliers to demonstrate a fair, safe and healthy workplace, as well as safeguards for business integrity. You can read more about our policies and approach to resolving these issues on our website.

Through our processes to hold suppliers to high standards of safety, quality and compliance, we are reviewing the performance of Brightway’s operations, including through a social compliance audit of the alleged non-conformances highlighted by the Malaysian authorities. We have notified Brightway that we expect them to promptly confirm compliance with all applicable standards at all sites, including any facilities that are manufacturing products for Kimberly-Clark, and take any necessary corrective action. We will be auditing both the alleged non-conformances and Brightway’s corrective actions over the coming weeks.

We believe that working directly with our suppliers to improve their performance creates sustainable change for the benefit of people, the environment and business. But if appropriate remedies are not put in place, consistent with our standards, Kimberly-Clark will re-evaluate our relationship with Brightway, including the potential termination of our supply agreement.

For your background, Kimberly-Clark routinely assesses supplier compliance to these standards. Since 2012, we have completed more than 1,100 audits that have resulted in improved working conditions for more than 170,000 employees across our external supply chain. Further, we partner with companies throughout our supply chain to promote safe and healthy work environments, and work as a member of AIM-PROGRESS to promote responsible business practices and a sustainable supply chain.
