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Company Response

31 Jul 2018

Karachaganak Petroleum Operating BV (KPO)

KPO response

...KPO and Karachaganak Partners express our deepest concerns for the adults and children affected in November 2014.  At the same time, the Venture disagrees with allegations that Karachaganak Field Operation may have been the cause of illness of the schoolchildren. Moreover, we believe the statements of NGO Crude Accountability on the poisoning of Berezovka children by toxic emissions from the Karachaganak field are factually incorrect...The results of KPO's regular environmental monitoring on the territory of the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field and around its perimeter demonstrated that no harmful concentrations of pollutants arising from KPO's operations were detected...Specific to the incident that occurred on November 28th 2014, KPO represents and warrants that no process upsets that could affect state of health of KPO personnel and residents of settlements outside the territory of sanitary-protection zone occurred at Karachaganak facilities...A criminal investigation launched in 2014 has been recently terminated for the absence of components of crime...The issue of medical treatment falls under the jurisdiction of local authorities. Following the incident, the West Kazakhstan Oblast Health Department commissioned a comprehensive medical examination of the affected children both in local hospitals and in the leading health clinics in Almaty, Astana and Aktobe...According to the regional Health Department, interdisciplinary medical examination of the children did not reveal any diseases that might have been caused by toxic poisoning...

