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12 Oct 2016

Claus Nordahl & Louise Maria Skotte Møller, Danwatch

Maersk & the hazardous waste

Threats, fear and inadequate protective equipment are commonplace at the shipbreaking yard in India where two Maersk ships are now being cut up for scrap. Ten shipyard workers tell Danwatch that they lack contracts and safety equipment, and some have been pressured into silence. Reckless, say experts...Several workers were torch cutting surface-treated steel without masks, hearing protection or protective glasses.  They were wearing cotton clothing near open flame, and gas lines lay about among sharp flakes of iron and welding torches...After seeing Danwatch’s documentation, Maersk does concede that there are things going on at the Shree Ram shipyard that are unacceptable...Maersk denies, on the other hand, that the shipyard workers at Shree Ram lack contracts or are uninformed about their rights.
