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Company Response

10 Oct 2023

Riyadh International Catering Corp. (RICC)

McDonald's licensee RICC response to Guardian findings of labour exploitation among workers at McDonald's franchises in Saudi Arabia

Statement attributable to Riyadh International Catering Company (RICC), McDonald’s Developmental Licensee

“Nothing is more important than ensuring the safety and respect of the employees who keep our restaurants running every day. Riyadh International Catering Company (RICC) is committed to being a responsible and meaningful employer for the local communities we serve, and we abide by all local labor laws and regulations. To ensure we’re living up to these values, we make available a variety of channels for employees to report concerns, including hotlines as well as regular visits to restaurants by our Human Resource teams. Additionally, we are proudly in the process of updating our employment standards to not only meet what is legally required of our organization, but to continue to take our human rights commitments a step further through McDonald’s Responsible and Ethical Recruitment Principles.”
