Mexico: Union accuses Grupo Mexico of ignoring its demands to resolve labour right conflicts
Date Reported: 8 Nov 2023
Location: Mexico
Grupo México - Parent Company , Industrial Minera México (part of Grupo México) - SubsidiaryProjects
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
Workers: ( Number unknown - Location unknown - Sector unknown , Gender not reported )Issues
Right to UnionisationResponse
Response sought: မဟုတ်
Source type: News outlet
"Sindicato Minero acusa a Grupo México de ignorar sus demandas para resolver huelgas de 2007" 8 November 2023
[Translated from Spanish] Grupo Mexico has ignored the proposals and demands of the National Mining Union to resolve the labor conflicts that have kept three units of the Mexican conglomerate out of operation for 16 years...
At a press conference attended by Section 65 of Cananea, Sonora; Section 17 of Taxco, Guerrero and Section 201 of Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Urrutia reiterated that Grupo Mexico has violated all workers' rights and collective bargaining agreements before the federal government's eyes...