Myanmar: Union leaders negotiate compensation after dismissal 'for unfounded reasons' from Yoo Win Garment factory
Date Reported: 15 Sep 2021
Location: Myanmar
Yoo Win Garment - SupplierAffected
Total individuals affected: 16
Workers: ( 16 - Location unknown , Clothing & textile , Gender not reported )Issues
Freedom of Association , Dismissal , Wage TheftResponse
Response sought: မဟုတ်
Source type: Social Media
“Workers fired from Yoo Win Garment Factory receive compensation in coordination with IWFM Federation”, 15 September 2021
According to IWFM leaders, 37 employers of the…Yoo Win Garment Factory were fired…for unfounded reasons…
Factory officials fired union leaders for no apparent reason during the layoffs and refused to pay the latest paychecks as required by law.
The employers are working to reduce the number of workers' unions while they are still applying for union registration, and are also committing rights abuses due to low orders.
“There are more than 700 workers. Of those, 37 were [dismissed] due to orders…I was fired for not meeting the…clothing [targets]. Thirty-two of those expelled were union members and leaders. The sacked people succeeded in negotiating for legal compensation. I was entitled to severance pay based on my work experience… ”said an IWFM leader.
[Translation via Google Translate]