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23 Oct 2020

Mexico: Indigenous activist & defender killed; Óscar Eyraud Adams had raised concerns about access to water & alleged diversion to private companies

Óscar Eyraud Adams, a Kumiay Indigenous activist and defender of Indigenous rights from Tecate, Baja California, Mexico, was killed at his home on September 25, 2020. Óscar was known for his work on water rights, publicly denouncing the alleged diversion of water supplies to private entities, as well as criticising the National Water Commission's refusal to grant his community water concessions, while giving permits to companies such as HEINEKEN. Just a month before his murder he had raised concerns about a lack of water for crops in his community and called for indigenous communities to be granted water rights ahead of companies.

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre asked HEINEKEN to comment on the case. The company sent us the following statement in June 2022: "This is a tragic event in which HEINEKEN has not been involved. Our hearts go out to the family and friends of the victim of this terrible tragedy."

Company Responses

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