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28 Sep 2012

Bruno Manser Fonds

Natives block construction works on mega-dam in Malaysian rainforest

200 Penan and Kenyah women, men and children put up a blockade on the access road to the...Murum dam in...Sarawak...They will only let the supply trucks pass their blockade, if the Norwegian CEO of Sarawak Energy...and Sarawak’s authorities are willing to...agree to their demands...Murum dam, under construction by China’s Three Gorges Corporation, affects at least 1,400 people from the ethnic groups of the Western Penan and the Kenyah and will start flooding almost 250km2 of rainforest and farmland...[refers to Hydro Tasmania, Universal Cable, Sarawak Cable] [Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Sarawak Energy & Three Gorges Corporation to respond - responses below]
