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10 Jul 2021

Hanif Samoon, Daily Times

Pakistan: Sindh government allegedly request company officials not to meet with members of fact-finding probe of labourer's death

"High-ups of Sindh govt ask SECMC not to meet members of fact finding mission", 10 July 2021

PTI MNA Lal Chand Malhi, who was appointed as the head of the fact-finding mission to probe the causes behind the brutal murder of the coal worker...alleged that the officials of Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) refused to meet the members of the mission due to unknown reasons. He said that they had written a letter to the high-ups of the mining firm but they were astonished to know after reaching Thar they refused to meet members of the mission.

...He went on to state that under the given situations, upon seeking advice from the chairman of the boards of the directors of SECMC Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed Sheikh had advised against attending any such meeting until completion of an internal fact-finding inquiry. till such time that the situation defuses. ”This is for your kind information” added Mr. Rizvi in his letter to the head of the mission.


The most credible sources revealed to this reporter that officials of the company were ready to meet and brief the delegation but they were directed by the high-ups of the Sindh government, which is the major shareholder in the project, to not meet the delegation.

Part of the following timelines

Pakistan: Coal mine company refuses to cooperate with fact-finding mission after worker's torture and death; community protests lead to violence

Pakistan: Thar Coal Block-I Mine and Power Plant