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27 Jun 2022


Palestinians call out PayPal for discrimination

"Palestinians call out PayPal for discrimination" 23 June 2022

Muhammad Hassanein, a Palestinian in his 30s from Gaza, has nine year of experience as an online freelancer in content writing, website management and programming. 

“Freelance platforms mostly deal with PayPal, which does not provide services for Palestinians. I received payment once and then my account was suspended,” he told Al-Monitor...

PayPal, the most-used company for online payments, does not serve Palestinians, which negatively affects their work, especially in the Gaza Strip, where online and remote jobs are often the only available work.

Although it operates in Israeli settlements, PayPal justified its refusal to provide services in the occupied Palestinian territories on the basis of its “no-go” policy, which classifies Palestine, along with several other countries, as “high-risk” areas...

Dalia Sharab, a social media trainer who previously worked as a marketing officer at the Gaza Sky Geeks startup, regrets that many Palestinians are subjected to fraud and neglect, with many unable to collect their own money for which they provided services online...