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5 Jan 2023

Emily Dugan, The Guardian (UK)

Thai police accused of ‘sham’ forced labour inquiry at former Tesco supplier

Thai police have been accused of conducting a “sham” investigation into potential forced labour at a garment factory formerly used by Tesco, after officials took one day to conclude no laws were broken ...

Civil servants and police conducted interviews with 114 former workers at the VK Garment factory (VKG) on 28 December in Mae Sot to screen for forced labour.

A spokesperson for the department of labour protection and welfare said the team concluded later that evening “no forced labour or services [were] found”. ...

Workers told the Guardian the interviews were rushed and felt like a tick-box exercise to clear the factory of allegations. They took place simultaneously with 21 interview teams in an open-plan immigration building...

Officials say more interviews are planned, despite conclusions having already been released. One police source said they planned to interview another 22 former workers on 10 January...
