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Company Response

11 Jun 2024

Tiktok response


TikTok does not allow content spreading hate speech, promoting hateful ideologies and inciting violence against anyone. This includes explicit or implicit content that attacks a protected group. TikTok is not a place to spread beliefs or propaganda that encourages violence or hate. The video of Visvin Reddy making inciteful statements, which was referenced in the article, was removed from TikTok's platform ahead of the elections on May 29, 2024. Moderators received special election moderation guidance in order to better understand and identify content that incites violence in a political context. We recognize that tactics can evolve quickly, and we continue to adapt our policies and practices to respond to emerging threats. We value ongoing feedback from our community of global experts to help strengthen these processes and policies.

TikTok invests in media literacy as a counter-misinformation strategy as well as technology and people to fight misinformation at scale. ...

TikTok disagrees with the article's characterization that we refused to engage with civil society regarding our election plans. To the contrary, in the leadup to the elections, we regularly consulted with a wide range of diverse stakeholders and responded in good faith to every inquiry that we received from non-governmental organizations regarding our plans for the election. ...

Finally, TikTok disagrees with the assertion that we did not display our election plans and detail how we planned to address risks such as the spread of hate speech and fake news. ...
