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7 Nov 2022


Unpaid construction workers in Bahrain left in the lurch — again

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Construction firm Abdulla H Al Derazi & Sons Co WLL (Al Derazi) is the latest in a slew of companies abandoning their workers in Bahrain. The company’s 62 employees, who hail primarily from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, are owed between 6 and 12 months' worth of wages and end-of-service benefits, totalling about BD100,000 (US$ 265,319)...

The workers told MR that they had continued to work despite the irregular payments because their manager had assured them that their dues would be paid once the company resolves its financial issues. Some of the workers have been with the company for more than 20 years.

But at the end of August 2022, the workers finally dropped their tools and ceased working when the company reneged on its promises once again...

According to documents reviewed by MR, Abdulla H Al Derazi’s recent clients include Batelco, Bahrain’s main telecommunication company, Aradous Contracting & Maintenance and China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC)...
